Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: Which Format Drives Better Results?

Instagram advertising offers a huge opportunity for businesses to market their products and services to the platform’s 1.4 billion users. This fact has become common knowledge among business owners and marketers. However, most people who are new to Instagram advertising often face a challenging decision – choosing between Instagram Stories and Feed Ads.

Instagram Stories offer compelling advantages, including lower costs per click (CPC), higher click-through rates (CTR), and broader audience reach. Feed Ads, on the other hand, boast higher retention rates and extensive visibility.

With each format presenting unique strengths, how can you determine the best fit for your business? That’s exactly what we aim to address in this comprehensive guide. We’ll examine the specifics of both Stories and Feed Ads, providing you with detailed insights into each format. 

By looking at their respective features, benefits, and potential drawbacks, we’ll equip you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision. 

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: How They Compare

Each option has its own unique features and benefits. We’ll break down how they stack up against each other in terms of audience, format, length, engagement, and cost.

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: Audience

Instagram Stories and Feed Ads cater to different user behaviours and preferences. Stories ads pop up between users’ stories, catching people in a more casual, exploratory mood. These users are often scrolling quickly, looking for bite-sized content from friends and brands they follow.

Feed ads, on the other hand, appear in users’ main Instagram feeds. These ads blend in with regular posts, reaching users who are more deliberately scrolling through content. Feed ad viewers might be in a more focused state, ready to engage with posts that catch their eye.

The audience overlap between these two ad types is significant, but their mindset while viewing each type of content can be quite different. Stories viewers might be more open to quick, fun content, while feed scrollers could be more receptive to detailed information or visually striking images.

Your target demographic plays a role too. Younger users tend to spend more time on Stories, while older audiences might prefer the traditional feed. Consider your ideal customer when choosing between these ad formats.

Another important consideration is performance metrics. Instagram Stories generate 78% more clicks and have 44% more reach compared to other formats. This makes Stories a powerful tool for driving engagement and expanding your brand’s visibility on the platform.

Understanding these nuances is critical for optimizing your ad strategy. 

For more tips on aligning your ads with your target audience’s behaviours, check out our guide on Building a Content Plan Using a Customer Persona.

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: Format

The format of your ad can make or break its success. Instagram Stories ads are full-screen, vertical visuals that take over the entire phone screen. They can be photos, videos, or even carousels, offering a range of creative possibilities. This immersive format allows for interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and swipe-up links (for accounts with over 10,000 followers).

Feed ads, in contrast, appear as regular posts in users’ feeds. They can be single images, videos, carousels, or even collections. These ads blend in with organic content, often looking just like a normal post until users spot the “Sponsored” label. Feed ads allow for longer captions and can include clickable elements within the image.

Instagram Stories allows for a lot of creative freedom, letting you try out different interactive features that can really boost engagement. You can use stickers, GIFs, and text overlays to make your ad pop. Feed ads, while more traditional, offer stability and familiarity. They’re great for showcasing products or telling a visual story through multiple images.

Your choice between these formats should depend on your content type and campaign goals. If you want to create an interactive, fun experience, Stories might be your best bet. For more detailed product showcases or longer-form content, Feed ads could be the way to go.

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: Length

Time is of the essence in digital advertising, and the length of your ad can significantly impact its effectiveness. Instagram Stories ads are brief by nature, lasting up to 15 seconds per story. You can string together multiple 15-second segments, but keep in mind that users can easily swipe past your ad if it doesn’t grab their attention quickly.

Feed ads offer more flexibility in terms of length. For video ads, you can have up to 60 seconds of content. This extra time allows for more detailed storytelling or product demonstrations. However, it’s important to hook viewers in the first few seconds, as attention spans on social media are notoriously short.

The brevity of story ads forces advertisers to be concise and impactful. You need to convey your message quickly and effectively. This can be challenging, but it also pushes you to create snappy, memorable content that resonates immediately with viewers.

Feed ads give you more breathing room. You can craft a narrative, show multiple product features, or go deeper into your brand story. But with this extra time comes the responsibility of maintaining viewer interest throughout the ad. Pacing becomes important – you don’t want to lose viewers halfway through your carefully crafted 60-second spot.

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: Engagement

Engagement is a top priority of social media marketing, and both Instagram Stories and Feed Ads offer unique ways to interact with your audience. Stories ads shine when it comes to quick, fun interactions. They allow for features like polls, quizzes, and the swipe-up function, which can drive immediate action from viewers.

These interactive elements make story ads feel more like a two-way conversation than a traditional advertisement. Users can respond to your poll or quiz without leaving the Stories interface, creating a seamless experience. This instant interaction can boost engagement rates and make your brand feel more approachable and relatable.

Feed ads, while less overtly interactive, have their own engagement strengths. Users can like, comment on, and share your ad just like any other post in their feed. This opens up opportunities for longer-term engagement and community building. A compelling feed ad can spark conversations in the comments section, increasing its reach and impact.

The engagement metrics for these two ad types differ as well. For Stories, you’ll be looking at metrics like completion rate (how many people watched your entire story) and swipe-up rate. Feed ads are measured by more traditional metrics such as likes, comments, and shares.

Your choice between the two should consider what type of engagement you’re after. If you want quick, in-the-moment interactions, Stories might be your best bet. For fostering longer conversations and building community, Feed ads could be more effective.

Tracking the effectiveness of these interactions is key. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls in Google Analytics 4 to ensure you’re getting accurate insights from your Instagram campaigns.

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: Cost

Budget considerations often play a key role in ad format decisions. The cost structures for Instagram Stories and Feed Ads can vary, and understanding these differences is essential to maximizing your advertising ROI.

Instagram Stories ads typically have a lower cost-per-click (CPC) compared to Feed ads. This is partly due to the nature of Stories – they’re ephemeral, lasting only 24 hours, which can make them less competitive in terms of bidding. However, the flip side is that you might need to run Stories ads more frequently to maintain visibility.

Feed ads often come with a higher CPC, but they also tend to have higher click-through rates (CTR). This is because users are in a more browsing-focused mindset when scrolling through their feed, potentially making them more receptive to ads that catch their interest.

The cost-effectiveness of each ad type can also depend on your specific campaign goals. If you’re after brand awareness and want to reach a large audience quickly, Stories ads might give you more bang for your buck. If you’re focused on driving traffic to a website or generating leads, the higher CTR of Feed ads might justify the increased cost.

It’s worth noting that costs can fluctuate based on factors like your target audience, industry, and the time of year. During high-demand periods (like holidays), you might see costs increase for both ad types. Experimenting with both formats and closely monitoring your results can help you determine which offers the best return on your investment.

One powerful way to improve the performance of your Instagram ads is by linking them to SEO-optimized landing pages. By directing ad traffic to a landing page that’s been carefully optimized for relevant keywords, you can improve your site’s search engine rankings while also increasing the chances of conversion. This synergy between Instagram advertising and SEO not only enhances your overall marketing strategy but also ensures that your ad spend is working harder for you.

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: Quick Glance

FactorInstagram StoriesFeed Ads
AudienceUsers in an exploratory mood, often younger demographicUsers deliberately scrolling, wider age range
FormatFull-screen, vertical, interactiveIn-feed, blends with organic content
LengthUp to 15 seconds per storyUp to 60 seconds for video
EngagementQuick interactions (polls, quizzes, swipe-up)Likes, comments, shares
CostGenerally lower CPC, higher frequency neededHigher CPC, but often higher CTR
ProsImmersive, interactive, great for brand awarenessDetailed content, longer viewing time, good for conversions
ConsEasily skippable, limited view timeCan be overlooked in busy feeds, higher cost

When to Consider Instagram Stories

Choosing between Instagram story ads and Feed Ads isn’t always straightforward. But there are certain situations where Stories shine brighter. Let’s explore when you should lean towards using Instagram Stories for your advertising efforts.

1. You Need to Create a Sense of Urgency

Got a flash sale or a limited-time offer? Instagram Stories are your go-to option. The 24-hour lifespan of Stories naturally creates a “fear of missing out” (FOMO) among viewers. This urgency can drive quick decisions and impulsive actions.

For example, if you’re running a 24-hour sale on your e-commerce site, a Story ad can create buzz and encourage immediate purchases. The fleeting nature of Stories aligns perfectly with time-sensitive promotions, making viewers feel they need to act fast or lose out.

2. You Want to Boost Brand Awareness Quickly

When you’re looking to get your brand in front of as many eyeballs as possible in a short time, Stories can be incredibly effective. Their full-screen format commands attention, even if it’s just for a few seconds.

This format works wonders for new product launches or rebranding efforts. You can use a series of Story ads to tease different aspects of your new offering, building curiosity and anticipation. The high visibility of Stories means you can quickly raise awareness among a large audience.

3. Your Target Audience is Young and Tech-Savvy

If your products or services cater to a younger demographic, Story ads should be a key part of your strategy. Younger users tend to spend more time watching Stories than scrolling through their feed.

These digital natives appreciate the interactive elements of Stories, like polls or sliders. They’re more likely to engage with these features, giving you valuable insights and boosting your engagement rates. If you’re targeting Gen Z or younger millennials, Story ads can help you speak their language and capture their attention.

4. You Have a Simple, Visual Message

Sometimes, less is more. If your ad concept relies heavily on striking visuals or a straightforward message, Stories are an excellent choice. The full-screen format lets your visuals take center stage without distractions.

This works particularly well for lifestyle brands, fashion, or food products. A stunning image or a quick before-and-after video can be more impactful in a Story than in a cluttered feed. If you can convey your message in a glance, Stories will serve you well.

When to Opt for In-feed Ads

While Stories have their strengths, there are times when in-feed ads are the smarter choice. Let’s look at the scenarios where Feed Ads can give you the edge in your Instagram advertising strategy.

1. You Need to Provide Detailed Information

Sometimes, your product or service requires more explanation than a quick Story can provide. That’s where Feed Ads come into play. With more space for text and longer video options, you can dive deeper into the features and benefits of what you’re offering.

This is particularly useful for complex products or services. For instance, if you’re promoting a new tech gadget with multiple features, a carousel ad in the feed allows you to showcase each feature individually. You can use the caption to provide specs, pricing, and other crucial details that might not fit into a Story.

2. You Want to Encourage Discussion and Sharing

Feed Ads have a distinct advantage when it comes to fostering engagement and discussion. Unlike Stories, users can like, comment on, and share Feed Ads just like regular posts. This can significantly amplify your reach and create a buzz around your brand.

Let’s say you’re a non-profit organization running a campaign. A Feed Ad allows supporters to share your message with their followers, spreading awareness organically. The comment section can become a space for people to discuss the cause, ask questions, and voice their support. This level of interaction isn’t possible with Story ads.

3. Your Campaign is Long-term

Feed Ads have staying power. Unlike the ephemeral nature of Stories, Feed Ads remain visible as users scroll through their feed. This makes them ideal for longer-running campaigns where you want to maintain a consistent presence over time.

For example, if you’re running a brand awareness campaign that spans several weeks or months, Feed Ads can provide steady exposure. Users might see your ad multiple times as they check their feed throughout the day, week, or month. This repeated exposure can help reinforce your message and keep your brand top-of-mind.

4. You’re Targeting Desktop Users

While it’s easy to forget, Instagram isn’t just a mobile platform. Many users browse Instagram on their desktops, especially during work hours. Here’s where Feed Ads have an edge: they’re visible on both mobile and desktop versions of Instagram, while Stories are primarily a mobile feature.

If your target audience includes professionals who might be checking Instagram on their work computers, Feed Ads ensure you’re not missing out on this segment. This can be particularly valuable for B2B companies or those targeting an older, professional demographic.

Instagram Stories vs. Feed Ads: How to Make the Right Choice

Deciding between Instagram Stories and Feed Ads doesn’t have to be a shot in the dark. Here are some key questions to ask yourself that’ll guide you towards the right choice:

  • What’s your campaign goal? If you’re after quick brand awareness or promoting time-sensitive offers, Stories might be your best bet. For detailed product information or long-term brand building, Feed Ads could be more effective.
  • Who’s your target audience? Younger, tech-savvy users tend to engage more with Stories. If you’re targeting a broader or more professional demographic, Feed Ads might reach them more effectively.
  • What’s the nature of your content? Visual, snackable content works great for Stories. If you need to convey more detailed information or want to encourage discussion, Feed Ads give you more space to work with.
  • What’s your budget? Stories often have a lower cost-per-impression, which can be great if you’re working with a tight budget. Feed Ads might cost more but could offer better long-term value for certain campaign types.
  • How quickly do you need results? Stories can generate quick bursts of engagement and are great for time-sensitive promotions. Feed Ads might take longer to gain traction but can provide more sustained results.
  • What level of engagement do you want? If you’re after quick interactions like swipe-ups or poll responses, Stories are your go-to. For more in-depth engagement like comments and shares, Feed Ads have the upper hand.

Wrapping Up

Choosing between Instagram Stories and Feed Ads isn’t always straightforward. Each format has its strengths, and the best choice often depends on your specific goals, audience, and content.

So, feel free to experiment with both types of ads. Monitor your results closely, and be ready to adjust your strategy based on what works best for your brand. 

By understanding the unique benefits of each ad type, you can create a powerful Instagram advertising strategy that drives real results for your business.

Need help setting up your social media strategy? Get in touch.