The Lead Scoring Template – Free Download

In B2B marketing, the disconnect between sales and marketing teams remains a significant challenge. This misalignment often results in ineffective lead handling and lost business opportunities. According to recent insights, 74% of B2B clients conduct about half of their research online before making an offline purchase, highlighting the importance of an integrated sales and marketing approach in today’s digital-first world​​.

Our Lead Scoring Template addresses these challenges head-on. It provides a structured, three-step process to align sales and marketing goals, fostering collaboration and mutual understanding of what defines a ‘qualified lead.’ This alignment is critical, as 80% of B2B companies are now using content marketing to generate leads, underscoring the need for cohesive strategies between sales and marketing​​.

Moreover, with 69% of B2B marketers expecting to increase their investment in video marketing in 2024, it’s clear that the types of content driving lead generation are diversifying rapidly​​. Our template helps integrate these varied strategies into a unified lead scoring system, ensuring that your marketing efforts are accurately evaluated and effectively used by sales teams.

Adopting the Lead Scoring Template will not only help in driving more qualified leads through targeted marketing efforts but also enable sales teams to focus on the most promising prospects. This approach is designed to bridge the gap between sales and marketing, leading to increased deal closures and business growth.

Learn how to create a shared definition of qualified leads, build a comprehensive lead scoring profile, and develop a customizable lead scoring process with our latest template. Equip your team with the tools they need to succeed in the dynamic world of B2B marketing.